un( $post_id ) { $this->rollback_transaction(); if ( wp_cache_get( $post_id, 'posts' ) ) { $this->add_cache_compatibility_hooks(); /* * Our event report state would have been rolled back too, so try and reapply what was set locally. * Clear our cache, since it reflects local state and not aware of transaction rollbacks. */ try { clean_post_cache( $post_id ); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { // Some plugin intervening in the caching system did something wrong: we did what we could. } $this->remove_cache_compatibility_hooks(); } /** * Fires after a dry run migration was applied. * * @since 6.3.0 * * @param numeric $post_id The ID of the Event that was migrated. */ do_action( 'tec_events_custom_tables_v1_migration_after_dry_run', $post_id ); } /** * Add hooks to handle cache issues when we are clearing post cache during migration. * * @since 6.0.0 */ public function add_cache_compatibility_hooks() { add_filter( 'wpsc_delete_related_pages_on_edit', [ $this, 'wpsc_delete_related_pages_on_edit' ], 10, 1 ); } /** * Remove hooks to handle cache issues when we are clearing post cache during migration. * * @since 6.0.0 */ public function remove_cache_compatibility_hooks() { remove_filter( 'wpsc_delete_related_pages_on_edit', [ $this, 'wpsc_delete_related_pages_on_edit' ], 10 ); } /** * Skips some cache actions that fail in our cleanup of post cache. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param mixed $all * * @return false */ public function wpsc_delete_related_pages_on_edit( $all ) { return false; } /** * Processes an Event migration. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param int $post_id The post ID of the Event to migrate. * @param bool $dry_run Whether the migration should commit or just preview * the changes. * * @return Event_Report A reference to the migration report object produced by the * migration. */ public function migrate_event( int $post_id, bool $dry_run = false ): ?Event_Report { global $wpdb; // Log our worker starting do_action( 'tribe_log', 'debug', 'Worker: Migrate event:start', [ 'source' => __CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'post_id' => $post_id, 'dry_run' => $dry_run ] ); $this->dry_run = $dry_run; /* * Get our Event_Report ready for the strategy. * This is also used in our error catching, so needs to be defined outside that block. */ $this->event_report = new Event_Report( get_post( $post_id ) ); if ( $this->check_phase() ) { // We're done, the migration is complete and there is no more work to do. return $this->event_report; } // Set our dead-man switch. $this->migration_completed = false; $this->bind_shutdown_handlers(); try { // Before we start preview, check if transactions are supported. // If not, we want to stop gracefully and still allow migration to continue. if ( $this->dry_run && ! $this->transactions_supported( $wpdb->prefix ) ) { // Clear all our workers, we don't need to check anymore for preview. tribe( Process::class )->empty_process_queue(); // Move us to the next phase - there will be a special message on that phase noting what happened. $this->state->set( 'phase', State::PHASE_MIGRATION_PROMPT ); $this->state->set( 'preview_unsupported', true ); $this->state->save(); $this->migration_completed = true; $this->unbind_shutdown_handlers(); return $this->event_report->migration_success(); } // In the odd scenario where we previously had a transaction failure, but it was resolved later. $this->state->set( 'preview_unsupported', false ); $this->state->save(); // Check if we are still in migration phase. if ( ! in_array( $this->state->get_phase(), [ State::PHASE_PREVIEW_IN_PROGRESS, State::PHASE_MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS ], true ) ) { $this->event_report->migration_failed( 'canceled', [ $this->get_event_link_markup( $this->event_report->source_event_post->ID ) ] ); $this->migration_completed = true; $this->unbind_shutdown_handlers(); return $this->event_report; } /** * Filters the migration strategy that should be used to migrate an Event. * Returning an object implementing the TEC\Events\Custom_Tables\V1\Migration\Strategy_Interface * here will prevent TEC from using the default one. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param Strategy_Interface A reference to the migration strategy that should be used. * Initially `null`. * @param int $post_id The post ID of the Event to migrate. * @param bool $dry_run Whether the strategy should be provided for a real migration * or its preview. */ $strategy = apply_filters( 'tec_events_custom_tables_v1_migration_strategy', null, $post_id, $dry_run ); if ( ! $strategy instanceof Strategy_Interface ) { $strategy = new Single_Event_Migration_Strategy( $post_id, $dry_run ); } // Set a strategy slug immediately; the strategy can refine it later. $strategy_class = get_class( $strategy ); $this->event_report->add_strategy( $strategy_class::get_slug() ); $this->event_report->start_event_migration(); // In case we have an error in the strategy, and we are forced to exit early, lets start the transaction here. if ( $this->dry_run ) { $this->before_dry_run( $post_id ); } $this->fix_event_meta( $post_id ); /** * Action to be fired immediately prior to applying migration strategy. Some migrations may still fail after this phase, * as there are various factors internal to the strategy that could cancel this migration. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param Event_Report $event_report The event report for this migration. * @param Strategy_Interface $strategy The strategy being applied to this post. * @param numeric $post_id The post ID we are attempting to apply the migration to. * @param bool $dry_run Whether this is a dry run (preview) or a final migration being applied. */ do_action( 'tec_events_custom_tables_v1_before_migration_applied', $this->event_report, $strategy, $post_id, $dry_run ); // Apply strategy, use Event_Report to flag any pertinent details or any failure events. $strategy->apply( $this->event_report ); if ( $this->dry_run ) { $this->after_dry_run( $post_id ); } else { $this->transaction_commit(); } // If no error, mark successful. if ( ! $this->event_report->error ) { $this->event_report->migration_success(); } } catch ( Expected_Migration_Exception $e ) { if ( $this->dry_run ) { $this->after_dry_run( $post_id ); } $this->event_report->migration_failed( 'expected-exception', [ $e->getMessage(), ] ); } catch ( \Throwable $e ) { // In case we fail above, release transaction. if ( $this->dry_run ) { $this->after_dry_run( $post_id ); } $this->event_report->migration_failed( 'exception', [ $this->get_event_link_markup( $this->event_report->source_event_post->ID ), $e->getMessage(), '', '' ] ); // @todo Remove this. Useful for troubleshooting do_action( 'tribe_log', 'debug', 'Migration unexpected exception:', [ 'source' => __CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'trace' => $e->getTraceAsString() ] ); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { // In case we fail above, release transaction. if ( $this->dry_run ) { $this->after_dry_run( $post_id ); } $this->event_report->migration_failed( 'exception', [ $this->get_event_link_markup( $this->event_report->source_event_post->ID ), $e->getMessage(), '', '' ] ); // @todo Remove this. Useful for troubleshooting do_action( 'tribe_log', 'debug', 'Migration unexpected exception:', [ 'source' => __CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'trace' => $e->getTraceAsString() ] ); } $this->migration_completed = true; $this->unbind_shutdown_handlers(); // Flag to fail on first error. $fail_on_first_error = ( defined( 'TEC_EVENTS_CUSTOM_TABLES_V1_MIGRATION_STOP_ON_FAILURE' ) && TEC_EVENTS_CUSTOM_TABLES_V1_MIGRATION_STOP_ON_FAILURE ) || ! $dry_run; /** * Filter to determine whether we should stop on first failure or not. Useful for troubleshooting in preview mode. * @since 6.0.1 * * @param bool $fail_on_first_error * * @returns bool Whether we should stop on first failure or not. */ $fail_on_first_error = apply_filters( 'tec_events_custom_tables_v1_migration_should_stop_on_failure', $fail_on_first_error ); // If error in the migration phase or fail on first error flag, then we need to stop the queue. $did_migration_error = ( $fail_on_first_error && $this->event_report->error ); $continue_queue = $did_migration_error ? false : true; $next_post_id = null; if ( $continue_queue ) { // Get next event to process. $next_post_id = $this->events->get_id_to_process(); if ( $next_post_id ) { // Enqueue a new (Action Scheduler) action to import another Event. $action_id = as_enqueue_async_action( self::ACTION_PROCESS, [ $next_post_id, $dry_run ] ); if ( empty( $action_id ) ) { // If we cannot migrate the next Event we need to migrate, then the migration has failed. $this->event_report->migration_failed( "enqueue-failed", [ $this->get_event_link_markup( $this->event_report->source_event_post->ID ), $next_post_id, ] ); } } // Start a recursive check, but only if we are not already doing so. if ( ! as_has_scheduled_action( self::ACTION_CHECK_PHASE ) ) { $action_id = as_enqueue_async_action( self::ACTION_CHECK_PHASE ); if ( empty( $action_id ) ) { // The migration might have technically completed, but we cannot know for sure and will be conservative. $this->event_report->migration_failed( "check-phase-enqueue-failed", [ $this->get_event_link_markup( $this->event_report->source_event_post->ID ), ] ); } } } // If any error in migration phase, we need to stop and put back in a preview state for the user. if ( $did_migration_error ) { $this->cancel_migration_with_failure(); } else { $this->check_phase(); } // Do not hold a reference to the Report once the worker is done. $event_report = $this->event_report; $this->event_report = null; // Log our worker ending do_action( 'tribe_log', 'debug', 'Worker: Migrate event:end', [ 'source' => __CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'post_id' => $post_id, 'next_post_id' => $next_post_id, 'dry_run' => $dry_run, 'event_report' => $event_report, ] ); return $event_report; } /** * Will trigger the migration failure handling. * * @since 6.0.0 */ public function cancel_migration_with_failure() { $process = tribe( Process::class ); $process->cancel_migration_with_failure(); } /** * Undoes an Event migration. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param array The metadata we pass to ourselves. * */ public function undo_event_migration( $meta ) { // Log our worker starting do_action( 'tribe_log', 'debug', 'Worker: Undo event migration:start', [ 'source' => __CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'meta' => $meta, ] ); if ( ! isset( $meta['started_timestamp'] ) ) { $meta['started_timestamp'] = time(); } $seconds_to_wait = 60 * 5; // 5 minutes $max_time_reached = ( time() - $meta['started_timestamp'] ) > $seconds_to_wait; // Are we still processing some events? If so, recurse and wait to do the undo operation. if ( ! $max_time_reached && $this->events->get_total_events_in_progress() ) { as_enqueue_async_action( self::ACTION_UNDO, [ $meta ] ); return; } $current_phase = $this->state->get_phase(); /* * Fires before the migration revert/cancellation starts. * * @since 6.0.0 */ do_action( 'tec_events_custom_tables_v1_migration_before_cancel' ); tribe( Schema_Builder::class )->down(); // Clear meta values. $meta_keys = [ Event_Report::META_KEY_MIGRATION_LOCK_HASH, ]; // If we are in migration failure, we want to preserve the report data. if ( $current_phase !== State::PHASE_MIGRATION_FAILURE_IN_PROGRESS ) { $meta_keys[] = Event_Report::META_KEY_REPORT_DATA; $meta_keys[] = Event_Report::META_KEY_MIGRATION_PHASE; $meta_keys[] = Event_Report::META_KEY_MIGRATION_CATEGORY; } /** * Filters the list of post meta keys to be removed during a migration cancel. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param array $meta_keys List of keys to delete. */ $meta_keys = apply_filters( 'tec_events_custom_tables_v1_delete_meta_keys', $meta_keys ); foreach ( $meta_keys as $meta_key ) { delete_metadata( 'post', 0, $meta_key, '', true ); } // Setup success admin notice. switch ( $current_phase ) { case State::PHASE_CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS: case State::PHASE_REVERT_IN_PROGRESS: $is_cancel = $current_phase === State::PHASE_CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS; $text = tribe( String_Dictionary::class ); $notice = $text->get( $is_cancel ? 'cancel-migration-complete-notice' : 'revert-migration-complete-notice' ); Tribe__Admin__Notices::instance()->register_transient( 'admin_notice_undo_migration_complete', "


", [ 'type' => 'success', 'dismiss' => true, 'recurring' => true, ], MONTH_IN_SECONDS ); break; } // Which is our next phase? switch ( $current_phase ) { case State::PHASE_CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS: $next_phase = State::PHASE_CANCEL_COMPLETE; break; case State::PHASE_REVERT_IN_PROGRESS: $next_phase = State::PHASE_REVERT_COMPLETE; break; case State::PHASE_MIGRATION_FAILURE_IN_PROGRESS: $next_phase = State::PHASE_MIGRATION_FAILURE_COMPLETE; break; default: // Should not happen. // Graceful fallback. $next_phase = State::PHASE_PREVIEW_PROMPT; do_action( 'tribe_log', 'error', 'Worker: on undo, next phase not mapped.', [ 'source' => __CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'meta' => $meta, 'phase' => $current_phase, ] ); break; } $this->state->set( 'complete_timestamp', time() ); $this->state->set( 'phase', $next_phase ); $this->state->save(); /** * Fires after the migration revert/cancellation has completed. * * @since 6.0.0 */ do_action( 'tec_events_custom_tables_v1_migration_after_cancel' ); // Log our worker ending do_action( 'tribe_log', 'debug', 'Worker: Undo event migration:end', [ 'source' => __CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'meta' => $meta, ] ); } /** * Handles non-fatal errors that might be triggered during the migration. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param int $errno The error code. * @param string $errstr The error message. * @param string $errfile The file the error occurred in. * * @return bool A value indicating whether the error handler handled the erorr or not.. * * @throws Migration_Exception A reference to an exception wrapping the error. */ public function error_handler( int $errno, string $errstr, string $errfile ): bool { $check_plugins = [ basename( TRIBE_EVENTS_FILE ) ]; if ( defined( 'EVENTS_CALENDAR_PRO_FILE' ) ) { $check_plugins[] = basename( EVENTS_CALENDAR_PRO_FILE ); } if ( ! tec_is_file_from_plugins( $errfile, ...$check_plugins ) ) { // Do not handle Warnings when coming from outside TEC or ECP codebase (e.g. caching plugins). return false; } // Delegate to our try/catch handler. throw new Migration_Exception( $errstr, $errno ); } /** * Hooked to the WordPress `shutdown` hook. * This method should be removed during a successful migration * or one that is properly handled. If not, then this method is * an attempt to log the failure. * * @since 6.0.0 */ public function shutdown_handler() { // In case we fail above, release transaction. if ( $this->dry_run ) { $this->transaction_rollback(); } $event_link_markup = $this->get_event_link_markup( $this->event_report->source_event_post->ID ); // If we're here, the migration failed. $this->event_report->migration_failed( "unknown-shutdown", [ $event_link_markup, '', '' ] ); } /** * Checks and updates the migration phase depending on the current status of the database. * * This is an idem-potent method that will only ste the migration state to done * when done; two or more concurrent workers doing the same will not break the * logic. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @return bool Whether the migration, or its preview, is completed or not. */ public function check_phase() { $state = tribe( State::class ); do_action( 'tribe_log', 'debug', 'Worker: Migrate event:check_phase', [ 'source' => __CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'phase' => $state->get_phase(), ] ); $phase = $state->get_phase(); $migration_completed = in_array( $phase, [ State::PHASE_MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS, State::PHASE_PREVIEW_IN_PROGRESS ], true ) && $this->events->get_total_events_remaining() === 0 && $this->events->get_total_events_in_progress() === 0; if ( ! $migration_completed ) { do_action( 'tribe_log', 'debug', 'Worker: Migrate event:check_phase', [ 'source' => __CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__, ] ); return false; } $next_phase = $phase === State::PHASE_PREVIEW_IN_PROGRESS ? State::PHASE_MIGRATION_PROMPT : State::PHASE_MIGRATION_COMPLETE; $state->set( 'phase', $next_phase ); $state->set( 'migration', 'estimated_time_in_seconds', $this->events->calculate_time_to_completion() ); $state->set( 'complete_timestamp', time() ); $state->save(); /** * Triggers an action on the end of the Migration. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param bool $dry_run Whether the migration just completed is a dry-run one or not. */ do_action( 'tec_events_custom_tables_v1_migration_completed', $this->dry_run ); do_action( 'tribe_log', 'debug', 'Worker: Migrate event:check_phase', [ 'source' => __CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'phase' => $state->get_phase(), ] ); return true; } /** * Hooked to the `ob_start` function, this method will run consistently * across PHP versions when the `die` or `exit` function is called during * the migration process. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param string $buffer A string buffer that will contain all the output * produced by the PHP code before the `die` or `exit` * call. */ public function ob_flush_handler( $buffer ) { if ( $this->migration_completed ) { // If we set the switch flag, then we already handled possible errors. return; } // In case we fail above, release transaction. if ( $this->dry_run ) { $this->transaction_rollback(); } $event_link_markup = $this->get_event_link_markup( $this->event_report->source_event_post->ID ); /** * Since we're storing output of arbitrary length in the database, let's * trim it down to something that should not go over the `mysql_max_packet` * size. */ $trimmed_buffer = substr( $buffer, 0, 1024 ); // If we're here, some code called `die` or `exit`. $this->event_report->migration_failed( 'exit', [ $event_link_markup, $trimmed_buffer, '', '' ] ); /* * This method might be the last executing before a hard `die` or `exit` call, let's check the phase. * If we could not queue further actions to process more Events or check the phase, let's do it now. */ $this->check_phase(); } /** * Checks if the current phase is completed or not, * else queue another action to run the same check. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @return int The ID of the new Action scheduled to check * on the migration phase, `0` if no new Action * was queued. */ public function check_phase_complete() { $completed = ! $this->state->is_running() || $this->check_phase(); do_action( 'tribe_log', 'debug', 'Worker: Check event:check_phase_complete', [ 'source' => __CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__, 'phase' => $this->state->get_phase(), 'completed' => $completed ] ); if ( $completed ) { do_action( 'tribe_log', 'debug', 'Worker: Check event:check_phase_complete', [ 'source' => __CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__, ] ); // Clear all of our queued state check workers. as_unschedule_all_actions( self::ACTION_CHECK_PHASE ); return 0; } // We may already have one scheduled, bail if we do. if ( as_has_scheduled_action( self::ACTION_CHECK_PHASE ) ) { do_action( 'tribe_log', 'debug', 'Worker: Check event:check_phase_complete', [ 'source' => __CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' ' . __LINE__, ] ); return 0; } // Check again. return as_enqueue_async_action( self::ACTION_CHECK_PHASE ); } /** * Start a transaction with fallback on no-op queries if not supported. * * @since 6.0.0 */ private function start_transaction() { $this->transaction_started = $this->transaction_start(); if ( ! $this->transaction_started ) { // Transactions might be not supported or blocked: do not actually execute queries. Builder::class_enable_query_execution( false ); } } /** * Rolls back a transaction with fallback on no-op queries if not supported. * * @since 6.0.0 */ private function rollback_transaction() { if ( $this->transaction_started ) { $this->transaction_rollback(); } else { Builder::class_enable_query_execution( true ); } } /** * Updates the Event date and duration meta to make sure it's consistent. * * @since 6.0.1 * * @param int $post_id The ID of the Event to update. * * @return void Updates the Event date and duration meta to make sure it's consistent. * * @throws Migration_Exception If the Event date and duration meta could not be updated. */ private function fix_event_meta( int $post_id ): void { /** * Filters whether an Event date related meta should be fixed before migration or not. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param bool $fix_event_duration Whether the Event date related meta should be fixed before migration or not. * @param int $post_id The ID of the post being migrated. */ $should_fix_meta = apply_filters( 'tec_events_custom_tables_v1_migration_fix_event_date_meta', true, $post_id ); if ( ! $should_fix_meta ) { return; } // At this stage, we can be sure the meta will be there. $start_date = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_EventStartDate', true ); $end_date = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_EventEndDate', true ); $start_date_utc = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_EventStartDateUTC', true ); $end_date_utc = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_EventEndDateUTC', true ); $has_start = ! empty( $start_date ) || ! empty( $start_date_utc ); $has_end = ! empty( $end_date ) || ! empty( $end_date_utc ); if ( ! ( $has_start && $has_end ) ) { throw new Migration_Exception( 'Required Event date data is missing: check the event for missing or invalid data in the start and end date fields.' ); } $timezone_string = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_EventTimezone', true ); if ( ! Timezones::is_valid_timezone( $timezone_string ) ) { // Use the site one, if not set. $timezone_string = Timezones::build_timezone_object()->getName(); update_post_meta( $post_id, '_EventTimezone', $timezone_string ); update_post_meta( $post_id, '_EventTimezoneAbbr', Timezones::abbr( $start_date, $timezone_string ) ); } $timezone = Timezones::build_timezone_object( $timezone_string ); $utc = new \DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ); $dtstart = $start_date ? Dates::immutable( $start_date, $timezone ) : Dates::immutable( $start_date_utc, $utc )->setTimezone( $timezone ); $dtend = $end_date ? Dates::immutable( $end_date, $timezone ) : Dates::immutable( $end_date_utc, $utc )->setTimezone( $timezone ); $updated_duration = $dtend->getTimestamp() - $dtstart->getTimestamp(); $event_start_date = $dtstart->format( Dates::DBDATETIMEFORMAT ); $event_end_date = $dtend->format( Dates::DBDATETIMEFORMAT ); $event_start_date_utc = $dtstart->setTimezone( $utc )->format( Dates::DBDATETIMEFORMAT ); $event_end_date_utc = $dtend->setTimezone( $utc )->format( Dates::DBDATETIMEFORMAT ); update_post_meta( $post_id, '_EventDuration', $updated_duration ); update_post_meta( $post_id, '_EventStartDate', $event_start_date ); update_post_meta( $post_id, '_EventEndDate', $event_end_date ); update_post_meta( $post_id, '_EventStartDateUTC', $event_start_date_utc ); update_post_meta( $post_id, '_EventEndDateUTC', $event_end_date_utc ); } /** * Migrates up to a number of not yet migrated Events. * * @since 6.0.2 * * @param int $count The number of Events to migrate, at the most. * * @return int The number of migrated Events. */ public function migrate_many_events( int $count ): int { if ( $count <= 0 ) { return 0; } $free_ids = $this->events->get_ids_to_process( $count ); $dry_run = $this->state->is_dry_run(); $migrated = 0; if ( count( $free_ids ) > 0 ) { // We might have less free ids than we want but have some, roll with it. foreach ( $free_ids as $post_id ) { $report = $this->migrate_event( $post_id, $dry_run ); $migrated ++; if ( ! ( $report instanceof Event_Report && $report->status === 'success' ) ) { // We have an error, stop here. break; } } return $migrated; } // We have no free ids, let's see if we can grab some from the Action Scheduler actions. $actions = as_get_scheduled_actions( [ 'hook' => self::ACTION_PROCESS, 'status' => ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_PENDING, 'per_page' => $count, ] ); if ( count( $actions ) === 0 ) { // We have no pending actions, we're done. return $migrated; } /** * We don't want to trigger cancellation steps - we are still processing, just taking out of queue. */ remove_action( 'action_scheduler_canceled_action', [ tribe( Provider::class ), 'cancel_async_action' ] ); /** @var \ActionScheduler_Action $action */ foreach ( $actions as $action ) { // Unschedule a pending action to migrate the Event now. $hook = $action->get_hook(); $args = $action->get_args(); $group = $action->get_group(); $unscheduled = as_unschedule_action( $hook, $args, $group ); if ( empty( $unscheduled ) ) { // The action might have been executed in the meantime, skip it. continue; } $report = $this->migrate_event( ...$args ); $migrated ++; if ( ! ( $report instanceof Event_Report && $report->status === 'success' ) ) { // We have an error, stop here. break; } } return $migrated; } } Autres services - LA CASA Café Culturel
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